
A/N: So much for 'updating weekly'. Lost 'The Flow' of the story. Sorry!! But here's finally another chapter. *sheepish shuffle*


The Dream - Part 10

by Bex


The next day dawned, grey, wet, and raw. It certainly fit my mood, sombered as it was by the prospect of heavy discussion and decisions that might end up governing the fate of all the free peoples of Middle Earth.

And maybe that of the non-free as well.

Temeril and I arrived early. I sat with tense politeness, hands folded. Other people began to drift in, some shooting sidelong, curious glances at me. Slowly the seats filled in: elves, men, dwarves, hobbits. One Wizard.

Elrond sat at the table's head, as befitted his position. Outside, a bell with a golden, burnished tone tolled several times, exhorting all last minute stragglers to hurry to the hall.

Quiet conversation rose in murmurs from the attendees. I watched Elrond and saw him stir, as if about to call the meeting to order, and--

The door burst open, and a tall figure in multiple woolen layers of earthy browns stood on the threshold, a staff in hand. Behind him an elf could be seen peering over his shoulder, dismay clearly written all over his features.

All eyes turned to goggle as the man exclaimed, "I have arrived just in time! I bring vital news from the head of the White Council!"

I gawped in shock and dismay at the manic figure. Who the hell was this?!

At the head of the table, Elrond rose smoothly, as if this sort of interruption were an everyday occurrence in his hall. "Salud, Olorin," he said calmly. "Will you join us then in our council?"

And stop being such a damned drama queen, I thought. To my left, Gandalf blinked and shot a glance my way before turning his attention back to the newest arrival, greeting him with a solemn nod.

"Who is that??" I hissed sidelong to Temeril.

"That is Olorin, one of the Istari. Also known as Radagast the Brown."

"Ah. Never would have known."

Gandalf's colleague was seated in an available chair near the head of the table, and the Council of Elrond began.


I had forgotten that not everyone there was aware of Saruman's traitorous turn, so only a few among us had evinced any visible dismay at Radagast's declaration that he came as Saruman's official messenger, and that was, I hoped, easily explained away as simple surprise at his sudden entrance.

The Istar sat, peering curiously round at his fellow attendees. As his glance alighted on me, it paused. Ulp. My mental 'shields' were in place, I knew they were. Move along; nothing to see here, I inwardly cajoled. His gaze moved on and I relaxed somewhat. Next to me, I felt a hand find and grasp mine briefly in reassurance, and I smiled over at Temeril. Then I saw Radagast staring again, this time at Frodo and Bilbo, and I winced. The books had him as an unwitting dupe - hopefully that was the case here as well.

"It is no coincidence that has brought us all here today, unbidden."

All eyes were on Imladris's lord.

"The Dark Lord Sauron daily gathers strength in Mordor, and prepares his forces to once again attempt to gain utter dominion over the free peoples of Middle Earth."

It was a bold statement, but I liked it. Short, sweet, and to the point. But there was a pause, and our newest arrival stepped into the gap.

"Saruman, Head of the White Council, sends his greetings, and also council regarding this very situation, " Radagast said. He paused, as if for dramatic emphasis. "The One Ring of Sauron has been found."

If he was expecting massive surprise, he was disappointed. A few faces at the table were what could be best described as 'disturbed'. The rest were poker faces. An odd few were blank. Radagast glanced 'round before continuing.

"It's location has been found, by his studies and arts, and as I'm sure you can all appreciate, it must not be regained by its maker."

"Indeed," Gandalf intoned solemnly. I saw Elrond send a quick look at Bilbo and Frodo where they sat, as Bilbo moved restlessly, then quieted. Gandalf sent a bristly-browed glance at his colleague, and Radagast answered the unspoken question.

"Alas, the extent of his knowledge was that it passed into the hands of those known as the Haflings," the Brown wizard admitted. "He adjured me to speed to their land with all haste to retrieve it, lest agents of the Enemy should find it."

Gandalf smiled faintly. "Then your search will not have been in vain, old friend. For we have it, here." The rest of us who were 'in the know' exchanged glances. Maybe he was all right, then, after all. Just mislead, as in Tolkien's story.

Radagast didn't exactly gape...but his eyes glimmered. "What wonder is this, that you already hold that which the head of the White Council has only just learned of?"

"A lucky chance, a destined meeting. In any case, such has been our luck that we have found the One Ring, safe in the keeping of one Hafling. Frodo, bring the Ring forth!"

And slowly, reluctantly, self-consciously...he did. Drew the golden ring from his waistcoat pocket. Laid it in the center of the polished table. Stepped back and re-seated himself.

And to get everyone there up to speed...Elrond began the history of the Ring.


As you can imagine, relating the history of the One Ring took a while. These were a people who took oral history very seriously; written scrolls were only piece-meal 'backups'.

No, oral recitals were pre-eminent, and couldn't be rushed.

I'm embarrassed to say that I drifted off a bit. Not because the history was boring, for it really wasn't...but because the very manner of the delivery had a sing-song, almost hypnotic quality to it. And by drifting off I mean into reverie. A variation on the 'waking dreams' I still had occasionally. I simply still was not accustomed to the story-telling style...

A hand suddenly squeezed mine lightly and I blinked, sitting up straighter in my chair. The delegates were moving, chairs scraping back, people starting to move about the room.

Next to me, elvish eyes laughed as Temeril regarded me. "What?" I mumbled somewhat crossly.

"Now is the time for the midday repast," he observed, smiling. "I would not have you sle--" He paused as I held up a warning finger.

"Don't say it," I grumbled. "I'm back, I'm here. I was not sleeping."

He smirked. "That I could tell. Unlike us, you do not sleep with your eyes open."

I subsided, somewhat mollified. "I just got...lost in the words, is all." He nodded, suddenly serious. "I know. Such is the skill of a master story-teller such as Lord Elrond."

Fair enough.


Sated with the quality output of the kitchens of Elrond's house, we delegates re-converged in the hall a couple of hours later. Someone had stirred up a fine fire in the fireplace, and I resisted the temptation go curl up on a stool next to it, and drowse away the afternoon as sonorous voices spoke of brave tales of the distant past...

All right; not so distant past. It was now time to tell of the recent adventures of the Ring, and those who'd borne it.

Aragorn spoke of the capture of, and the knowledge gained from Gollum. Legolas sadly revealed Gollum's escape from the wood elves. Gandalf told of his own recent researches in Gondor, how he'd become suspicious regarding the true nature of Bilbo's ring, and hastened back West to warn Frodo, and test it.

I squirmed minutely in my seat, suddenly acutely self conscious. PleaseleavemeoutofitPleaseleavemeoutofitPleaseleavemeoutofit I chanted inwardly. Elrond canted a glance in my direction.

I cannot. You are part of the story, now...for good or ill. And you have your part to tell

Not unkind. But firm. He was not going to be the one backing down here. Adrenaline flooded me as I realized I wasn't getting out of this one.

Gandalf finished his tale and turned, along with the several others who knew of my involvement, to look at me expectantly. Your turn.

I swallowed nervously, opened my mouth to speak, then closed it again.

What was I supposed to say regarding Saruman? How would I word this? With Radagast sitting, quite imposing in his own woodsy, shaggy brown way, just across the table from me? Why would anyone else truly believe what I said, that I was from another plane of existence, that I knew better than they about what went on in Middle Earth?

I got no hints or cues from anyone, just calm expectancy.

They were leaving this up to me. To my judgement.

I opened my mouth again, and began to speak.

~End Part 10~